Have you ever experienced waking up one day and realizing that the only thing you want to do is jump back into bed. This day felt exactly like that, and that is exactly what I did. You may say that I'm being such a drama queen but i don't care. As of the moment it seems like the past year of my life has been for nothing, and that my plans of going to New York are becoming more and more far fetched.
But instead of droning the day in my misery, I turned on my laptop and watched gossip girl. I had a whole pack or biscuits, 3 glasses of milk, 5 packs of those sinful otap's and 4 glasses of coke. Coke zero of course, I'm on a diet! By the end of season two of GG I had enough sugar in my system to power me for the next two weeks, but who's counting. I needed my comfort food.
I'm lost. It's been a year since I graduated from college and I haven't earned 1 centavo. With the arrival of the current circumstances, looks like I won't be earning 1 penny soon either.
Anyhoo, now that I'm done sulking I better head off to bed again. All i can do now is sleep, and hope that tomorrow brings better insights to help me make a decision. Should I or should I not go to New York? Besides, I have an early day tomorrow. I need to do cardio to burn off all that sugar I ingested and ab work-outs because that's what gay people do.
well expect the unexpected :)
Playgroup Singapore
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